Oct 08, 2017
On Monday 9 October 2017, the TSC announced that new low-cost taxi and hire car licences are now available following proclamation of the licensing changes in the CPVI Act 2017. Find out more about proclamation here.
Information on new taxi and hire car licences is available on the TSC website here.
A few key points to note:
- The annual rate for a new taxi or hire car licence is $52.90 per annum
- An updated licence application form can be downloaded from the TSC website here
- A new online application system for licences will become available on the TSC website in the coming weeks
- One significant change to the process is that applicants will be required to nominate the vehicle they intend to use at the time of application
People wishing to apply for a hire car licence have until 31 December 2017 to submit an application with the Taxi Services Commission. While industry reforms are being implemented, all hire car vehicles (licenced or unlicenced) must ensure they meet industry standards including roadworthiness, or risk fines and penalties.
Existing licence holders need not reapply for a new licence.